Many wheels with bladed spokes will work with Fliiiight automatically. Some, due to their shape, may require a simple modification to the spoke index in order to work.
Tip: Since Fliiiight's launch, we've been able to expand the range of spoke shapes and sizes Fliiiight is able to accurately detect through firmware updates. Update to the latest firmware.
- If the included spoke index does not fit securely on your bladed spoke, remove the index and fold a piece of masking or electrical tape over one spoke lengthwise to create your index.
- If Fliiiight is having difficulty detecting your wheel, try either of the following:
- Fold a piece of tape over the spoke index to make it wider.
- Remove the included index and fold a piece of tape over one spoke lengthwise to create a wider index.
Why does this work?
Fliiiight requires one index spoke to detect when your wheel has made a full rotation. Its algorithm defines the index as one spoke that is wider than all the others.
With particularly wide flat spokes, Fliiiight may have difficulty distinguishing the included spoke index from your other spokes. By creating a wider index, you make the wheel rotations easier to detect.
Signs Fliiiight is having difficulty detecting your wheel
- Fliiiight turns on and does its initial start-up sequence, but then does not engage the magnets to provide resistance.
- Fliiiight connects to your compatible training app, but does not report power or speed, or respond to trainer commands.
- Road feel is poor due to virtual inertia not engaging. You may feel like your are riding through sand, or like the pedals are "slipping" once per wheel revolution or once every several wheel revolutions.
See also: Fliiiight is having difficulty detecting the wheel.