The first step is to ensure that your bike has a compatible crank. Please refer to our compatibility list to determine this:
The next step is to ensure that you have enough clearance between the inside of your left crank arm and frame. Our Powermeters require roughly 10mm of clearance between the crank arm and the nearest bike component or frame. A simple test can be checking if a AAA battery fits between your crank and your frame. Clearance isn’t an issue for most customers, but some frames do have tight clearance demanding particular attention when marking the installation location. Customers with bikes having bottom-bracket mounted brakes may have clearance issues. For assistance in determining clearance, please use our Clearance Check Document:
Ride Ready frame clearance compatibility guide – Letter size paper
If you cannot fit the AAA battery between your crank arm and frame throughout the entire zone marked in the Clearance Check Document, but can along a different portion of the crank arm, then a Factory Installed Powermeter is your best bet.